Test Transactions

Test Transactions

You need to test the payment gateway integration carefully before going live to ensure successful and smooth transaction processing.  Ideally, you should test your integration in the following phases:

Phase 1

First, using an MerchantPlus developer test account.  In this environment, test transactions are posted to https://gateway.merchantplus.com/cgi-bin/PAWebClient.cgi  Although this is a staging environment, its behavior mimics the live payment gateway. Transactions submitted to the test environment using a developer test account are not submitted to financial institutions for authorization and are not stored in the Merchant Interface.

In order to use this environment, you must have a MerchantPlus developer test account with an associated API Login ID and Transaction Key. Test transactions to this environment are accepted with these credentials only. If you do not have a developer test account, you can please contact MerchantPlus Support at support@merchantplus.com to obtain a test login.

We can see the detailed transaction information in merchant plus website with your merchant login details. 

Phase 2

The merchant’s MerchantPlus Payment Gateway API Login ID and Transaction Key into the integration for testing against the live environment. Please note that developer test account credentials are not accepted by the live payment gateway). In this phase, you can test the integration in one of two ways:

  1. By including the x_test_request field with a value of “TRUE” in the transaction request string to https://gateway.merchantplus.com/cgi-bin/PAWebClient.cgi. See the sample below.

<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="x_test_request" VALUE="TRUE">
  1. By placing the merchant’s payment gateway account in Test Mode in the Merchant Interface. New payment gateway accounts are placed in Test Mode by default.  When processing test transactions in Test Mode. To test follow-on transactions, you can either submit x_test_request=TRUE as indicated above, or process a test transaction with any valid credit card number in live mode, as explained below.

Phase 3

If testing in the live environment is successful, you are ready to submit live transactions and verify that they are being submitted successfully. Either remove the  x_test_request field from the transaction request string, or set it to “FALSE;” or, if you are using Test Mode, turn it off in the Merchant Interface. To receive a true response, you must submit a transaction using a real credit card number. You can use any valid credit card number to submit a test transaction. You can void successful transactions immediately to prevent live test transactions from being processed. This can be done quickly on the Unsettled Transactions page of the Merchant Interface. It is recommended that when testing using a live credit card, you use a nominal value, such as $0.01. That way, if you forget to void the transaction, the impact will be minimal. For VISA verification transactions, submit a $0.00 value instead, if the processor accepts it.

Testing to Generate Specific Transaction Results

When testing transaction results in the developer test environment as well as the production environment, you can produce a specific response reason code by submitting a test transaction that uses a test credit card number designed to generate specific transaction results: this is Visa test credit card number “4222222222222.” This card number is intended for testing and should only be used for that purpose. Submit the test transaction either by placing the account in Test Mode, or submitting x_test_ request=TRUE, with a dollar amount equal to the response reason code you would like to produce.

For example, to test the AVS response reason code number 27, submit the test transaction with the credit card number “4222222222222” and the amount “27.00.”

To test the AVS or CCV responses in the live environment, submit live transactions with the correct street address, ZIP Code and Card Code information to generate successful  responses, and incorrect street address, ZIP Code and Card Code information to generate other responses. You can void successful transactions immediately to prevent  live test transactions from being processed. You can do it quickly on the Unsettled Transactions page of the Merchant Interface. It is not possible to test the AVS or CCV responses in the developer test environment. For more information about AVS, see the Merchant Integration Guide at http://www.merchantplus/support/merchant/.

For more information about response reason codes, see "Transaction Response," of this guide.

Test Transaction examples:

SALE Transaction API:

SALE Request:
SALE Response:
1,,1,This transaction has been approved,001331,N,5786,1232132132,,10200,,AUTH_CAPTURE,23232323,John,Doe,XY Company,29 Broadway,New York,NY,10006,x_Phone=8005461997,,,test@email.com,John,Doe,XYZ Company,29 Broadway,New York,NY,10006,,0,0,0,0,,,,M,


VOID Transaction API:

VOID Request:
VOID Response:
1,,1,This transaction has been approved,,,5791,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

We can see the Merchant Transaction details using Merchant Login id and Password in below given website and also we can see the transaction details at NaviGate interface.

Example Screenshots

Please see the below screen shots: